Inbound and Outbound Spam/AntiVirus Mail Gateway

Because I had to change my antivirus and spamfilter strategy, I configured a postfix as a gateway from and to my mailserver (= Exchange 2013).

So what was the goal:

  • E-Mail gateway inbound (= SMTP Proxy)
  • E-Mail gateway outbound (= SMTP Proxy or SmartHost )
  • Spam-filtering
  • AntiVirus

That’s my setting now:

  • Debian stretch (kernel 4.8.0-1-amd64)
  • postfix (3.1.3-6)
  • amavisd-new (2.10.1-4)
  • ClamAV (0.99.2)
  • SpamAssassin (3.4.1-6)

Continue reading “Inbound and Outbound Spam/AntiVirus Mail Gateway”

Alpine + Docker

Because the official guide at doesn’t work as expected, I try to summarize, what I had to do to make it work:

Installing the alpine linux straight forward as describes.

Afterwards, you have to perform the following steps:

  • In the file /etc/apk/repositories enable the “edge” and “v3.3” repositories (we need both!)
  • Update & upgrade alpine
apk update
apk upgrade
  • Because of the compatibility issue for the module-package linux-grsec (which installs 4.4.8), install the 4.1.20 (or the package, which is for the current system valid – check per uname -r  package instead
apk rm linux-grsec
apk add 'linux-grsec=4.1.20-rc0'


Update Debian Squeeze (6.0) to Wheezy (7.0) with iscsi

Since June, 15th 2013, debian released the new stable Version 7.0 , called wheezy. Fortunately, the upgrade process is quite simple .. If don’t have any special combinations.
Continue reading “Update Debian Squeeze (6.0) to Wheezy (7.0) with iscsi”

Installation of PostgreSQL / PostGIS / ArcSDE on Debian/Ubuntu

I found a lot of Installationscripts about some parts of the whole Installationprocess, but as I need the whole thing, I created this HowTo for setting up ArcSDE with PostGIS Support on Debian or Ubuntu. Continue reading “Installation of PostgreSQL / PostGIS / ArcSDE on Debian/Ubuntu”