Born on august 19, 1986 in Vienna, I started my IT profession 2003 with learning the basics about HTML and PHP.
After a short period, I had the first idea about a web-based project: A MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Game) or, in shorter terms, a browsergame called World-in-War. I programed it with three other friends and it growed within months. It was a big project but unfortunately I hadn’t enough time to finish this game. I learned a lot about standardised programing in the web during this period and I started other short projects to increase my knowledge about the WWW.
During this phase, my interesets about IT-Security raises and I experimented with linux, server or, in general term, “What’s the background about the world wide web”. Moreover, I learned a lot about IT “itself“ about the Software parts and about the Hardware parts.
I studied Geoinformatics at the University of Applied Science Wr. Neustadt and made my master degree 2009. During the study, I worked as a freelancer and had some other work experiences.
Today, I’m as nerdy as I was for the last 10 years, but most of my time, more precisely at work, I work as a IT-consultant and so I can share my technical experience in combination with nowadays business needs.
But thats not all you have to know about me.

There are a lot of other good books too, but there isn’t enough space to list them all. There are thrillers, there are science-fictions and there are some mixed sorts too. In short, buying a book for me is always a great idea .
Other hobbies are, for example, surfing and sailing